Luring involves attempts to exploit or harm persons under the age of eighteen years old. This is often involves emails, texts or social media to target a young person for exploitation or harm. One of the issues is the intent of the accused party, and issue that commonly arises especially when the parties met online is the age of the complainant. Many cases involve police operations though social media sites, where the police is involved in search  of chat rooms and charge persons involved in these chat rooms. Many times the person the accused is speaking to is a police officer that may get accused on borderline entrapment situation. Further accused cannot rely on the fact that the complainant looked over certain age, the onus is on the accused to show the reasonable steps they took to ascertain the age of the person. Once charged, the Crown is aggressive in prosecuting those charged. The accused often face lengthy prison sentence in addition to criminal convictions and orders that prevent them from interacting with young persons.

Our office has represented accused charged with this offence, and have the technical knowledge in understanding how these social media sites operate, and understanding the computer forensic evidence.

The penalties of luring can often result in criminal convocations and lengthy prison sentences. Mr. Singh has defended clients charges with this offence and has lengthy courtroom experience to assist you with this serious charge.


Address : 

Mr. R.Rick Singh

(Up to 30 minutes)

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