The right of bail is a fundamental right of the accused. At this stage the person sometimes unaware to appreciate the situation finds themselves in jail. Time is essential for someone charged and waiting for bail. Our office understands that your employment and your ability to properly prepare to defend yourself for the case to large part depends on getting released from jail.

We will give you attention to get you or someone you are assisting get out of jail. Mr. Singh who has extensive experience in winning bail hearings can help you release this objective. Many times a surety is required to secure bail. A surety is a person that the accused knows such as family member, friend. This person offers their supervision so the Court or Crown can be convinced that the accused will not commit further offences and attend court.

Following requirements are typically needed for a surety:


  1. Surety has to be 18 years of age or over.
  2. Permanent resident or citizen of Canada
  3. Have no criminal record ( or dated and limited criminal record)
  4. Have some assets to pledge
  5. Have personal relationship with the accused

The funds the surety pledged are money if required in the case of potential breach could pay if required by court. It is important to formulate a plan with experienced bail because if the bail plan is denied by Court, the only option is to review that decision by Superior Court. The Superior Court requires evidence of error made at the Ontario Court. This is a difficult process so it is important that when the bail hearing is initiated, the bail plan is formulated with experienced lawyer that can present the plan to Crown and Court.


Address : 

Mr. R.Rick Singh

(Up to 30 minutes)

Once the Court or Crown agree to bail, it is important to have the client released on the least restrictive bail conditions possible. Person can be released on their own recognizance, or under the care of a surety. The conditions of bail may include no contact with complainant, curfew, or in its most extreme an house arrest. Number of factors determine the conditions of bail, including the seriousness of the offence, nature of the offence, accused previous record, and any risks to the complainant. At the same time, Mr. Singh who has extensive experience in winning bail hearings can assist you in achieving this objective.

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